pipe leak boise

Summer Plumbing Preparation

As the summer season approaches in Boise, homeowners face unique challenges due to the increase in temperatures and potential uptick in household water usage. Activities such as gardening, filling swimming pools, and more frequent showers can strain your plumbing system. Preparing your plumbing for the summer is crucial to avoid disruptions and ensure efficient operation. Here’s how you can get your plumbing system ready for the hotter months.

Essential Summer Plumbing Preparation Tips

Inspect for Leaks

Higher temperatures and increased water usage can exacerbate existing small leaks in your plumbing system, leading to higher water bills and potential water damage. Inspect all visible pipes, faucets, and hose bibs for signs of leaks. Pay attention to your water meter as well; a noticeable increase in your water usage might indicate a leak. Early detection and repair of leaks can save water and prevent more significant problems later on.

Service Your Water Heater

Water heaters work harder during colder months, so it’s essential to check them before Boise’s summer begins. Drain and flush the tank to remove sediment buildup, which can reduce the efficiency of your water heater and shorten its lifespan. Check the pressure relief valve to ensure it’s functioning correctly. If your water heater is older than 10 years, consider having it inspected by a professional to determine if it needs replacing before it fails.

Check Your Sump Pump

Summer in Boise can bring sudden storms and heavy rainfall. Check your sump pump by pouring a bucket of water into the pit to make sure it starts automatically and drains quickly once the water stops. Clean the pump and pit of any debris to prevent malfunctions during summer rains. If your sump pump is old or has been unreliable, replacing it before summer storms hit can prevent potential flooding and water damage.

Clear Out Drains and Gutters

Ensure that all your home’s drains are clear of obstructions, and clean your gutters and downspouts. Blockages in gutters can lead to water overflow and damage your home’s structure and foundation. Additionally, ensure that downspouts direct water at least three to five feet away from your home’s foundation to prevent pooling and potential flooding.

Prepare Outdoor Faucets and Plumbing

If you turned off any outdoor plumbing for the winter, check these lines for leaks or damage before turning the water back on. Make sure all outdoor faucets, garden hoses, and irrigation systems are in good working order. This is also an excellent time to install covers on outdoor faucets to protect them from unexpected temperature drops at night that can still occur in Boise’s summer.

Consider Upgrading Fixtures

Summer is a good time to consider upgrading older plumbing fixtures to more water-efficient models. Replacing faucets, showerheads, and toilets with low-flow models can significantly reduce your water usage during high-use months, saving you money and conserving water.

Preparing your plumbing for summer not only ensures that your home can handle increased summer usage but also prevents potential emergencies that can be costly and disruptive. By following these steps, Boise homeowners can enjoy a worry-free summer with a fully functional and efficient plumbing system.

by sympler May 3, 2024

Author: sympler

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